Friday, May 19, 2006

Nat Geog baby!

looks like i'm the certified National Geographic Society! No they don't sponsor me to go photoshoot with steve mccurry to afghan, nor fly on business class to Europe.. Just feel like showing off this piece of paper.. No biggy!


bola2api said...

itu utk apa?
buleh tukar cert ni jadi duit tak?

aish said...

you are a new nat geo mag subscriber? i didn't renew mine this year because for the past 2 years, i've been getting the mags after the 15th of every month. once the mag arrived the next month. i keep wondering why mag shops can get their copies a few days before the start of a month & i only get mine 20 days after that :)

Amiruddin Karim said...

Woooo .... International Society member.. *kagum*

marshmallow said...

bola2api : knowledge is priceless. Its more than anything else in this world. :P

aish : oh, bummer! i haven't received my 1st copy. And i don't know for which month i should b getting. I hope the content won't be outdated!

amir : No biggy, amir. You can do so by subscribing to it!