Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Mr Crumpler, Mr Manfrotto and me!

I once remembered when i started to own a dSLR, why need an expensive bag for your camera? And that thought made me buy a mediocre sakure bagpack that fits 2 extra lenses and a body. No it was not my first bag.. My first bag was a free one i got together with my kit. I used those two bags for quite a few months. My photographer friend insisted me on getting better bag for my camera. he even laughed at mine! i still didn't get it. Why spend so much on the bag where you can save a lil bit more to upgrade your lenses. I didn't give a damn. But after some time, I'm beginning to believe and feel how important to invest on a better bag to sit your camera. Its not just for the safety of your gears, but to feel good about it! And you should get something that reflects you! That brought me to Crumpler. (and to bola2api, i will not stop trying to persuade you to get one!)

It goes the same with tripods. What i had was a tripod that cost me $30. And kept having that thought how can a tripod effect how good the photos will turn out??! Yes, tripod does not determine how great the picture will be. But after so many curses i uttered each time i used that lousy $30 tripod, i came to realize the importance of getting high quality equipments to support your gears. And i don't mind spending $300 for a tripod now..And that brought me to Manfrotto. And to Mr Manfrotto.. i think i need to get any of you very soon. I just broke my $30 tripod!


Anonymous said...

Cannot go wrong with Manfrotto, just select the one that have quick release plate (if you're getting the all-in combo like 7** series). Look for the one that you think can support the weight of your set up.

oh, and try to shake the tripod legs, just so that you are happy and confident of its sturdiness,hehehe!

ps-Got myself a crumpler as well, a 7mill!!!! quite a bargain i must say

marshmallow said...

but i was thinking weather a monopod would be sufficient enough and fits the mobility. safri, do you know where i could eye on these sticks around kl.. and of course a good bargain too!

wow, congrats on your 7mil purchase. be a proud owner of it! so it does feel good isn't it? well, 7 mil is quite too big for me. How much did you get that for?

ps: its good to have someone who speaks the same language around!

Anonymous said...

I think Eng Tong is the main distributor for Manfrotto. I found several Manfrotto tripods/mono in FotoShangRiLa as well! Im not sure about a good monopod tho, just use my shakeytest =P. Pricewise, you're prolly have to fork out at least twice the price of generic stuffs. for exp, 055prob tripod w/o head cost RM5++ here in kuching...

but a monopod should be cheaper!

a monopod is good for extra stability, but still cannot substitute a tripod for example, if you want to take an 8sec exposure. But if you have a 3kg setup, it will do you some good (wished I have a mono noww!)

oh yeah! me the proud owner of a rare RED crumpler species. Sure attract attention! hahaha!

marshmallow said...

..and where is that Eng Tong? RM5++ i have to wait for another couple of months! Guess the mono cost about $2++ right?

Mine is the same RED hot crumpler too! But smaller version. Eyeing for another bag that fits my mac and gears.