Friday, June 30, 2006

Survey for shorter lads and taller lass.

Guys, would you date taller lasses and why?

Girls, would you date shorter lads and why?


Amiruddin Karim said...

hmm.. let see.

to date anybody taller than 6ft 11 ??

Seriously... should I?

I don't think so..

marshmallow said...

are you sure you're 6ft 11????

suess said...

will date whatever physics the lad is as long as he's confident and not feel inferior towards others' physics. sexiness is one thing but confidence makes things pleasant if not bearable.

Amiruddin Karim said...

NO la.. I'm just 5ft 10.. or 11

bola2api said...

my choice is athletic bod.

height = should be taller than me even by 1 cm is ok with me.

the most important thing is nice teeth n smile :)