Tuesday, August 07, 2007


tortured, originally uploaded by marshma11ow.

I was going environmentalist. Shooting couldn't be better in my flip flops and capri pants. The jungle trekking area was shaded with large trees thant only allows spots of rays coming down true the giant trees.

It took me awhile to capture and appreciate this rotten leaves. But the ray that falls on the rotten edges looks dramatic.

A friend told me how come i always have things to shoot. I told him if you look hard enough, there is a lot of things around you we can appreciate and i am practising my eyes to see things in a different point of view.


Anonymous said...

hi Marshmallow,
Gamvar kat atas tu originally mcm tu ke, or u dah edit. Lawa...love ur work

marshmallow said...

gambar tu original.. tak edit. i guna fast shutter to kill the background. and the light ray actually outstands the color of the leaf.

thanks azza!