I finally fulfilled my own wishlist. How pathetic is that? ehehhehe... Can't afford to wait for santa to grant my wish. My
m a c is crawling slower than snails. And its killing me! And it makes me feel like whacking someone. I got dissapointed with my printings the other day. What went wrong? Was it my editings? Was it my monitor calibration? was it the printer? was it the photo format? or was it my
m a c? Nah, i don't think its my
m a c that caused the problem. But it bothered me a lot that day so i guess i need to treat myself and make ms marshmallow a lil happier. (increasing my happiness meter up) and since on the top of my wishlist, i still need to get it done sooner or later. so why not now?
So I decided to go PC fair on Sunday. The crowd was ridiculously big. I almost gave up with the price. I was so frustrated. My shoulder got really tired carrying the notebook, feet got blistered with the heels! I wish i was in sneekers and t-shirt! (i can't help it since i was from someone's engagement party). I finally came to the right place before i decided to go back and upgrade it later in Sunway Pyramid and the last shop i visited "Machines" offered $200 discount, so 1G cost me about $600. Quite a good deal i might say. He tried to persuade me to go for 2G. Hmm... 2G on
m a c sounds really tempting. I don't have to bancuh kopi while waiting for applications to run. ahahhaha... but i don't have $1200 to spend on RAM. Its okay, 1G is fair enough. I'm giving my
m a c an increase of IQ.
I also got myself a new bag for my laptop. I wanted Whickey and Cox by
Crumpler which can fit in my camera and my
m a c but i think its too bulky to carry around everyday to work plus its out of my budget constrain now... (will be on my next list next year). So, i got myself a mediocre shoulder sling bag by
kensington to replace my pink mengkuang bag which the handle almost came off. Imagine carrying a laptop in a mengkuang bag?? So not appropriate! So i guess i did a wise purchase today. I am very careful with my spendings nowadays because my monthly salary is not enough to cater my hobby. *sigh* :( why did i indulge in this in the first place?? ohhhh... but anyway, i'm not regretting anything now. It makes me feel good and what more can i ask for??
So, the day it was. Tiring but content. Santa, i got my RAM, you can get the kids marshmallow and candies and make them happy!