Thursday, October 30, 2008

my DUMB day.

darn! my $200 flew outa my pocket today for something very unnecessary. I've been trying to login to my streamyx account for few months and it failed me every time. I thought it was my router faulty since the adsl light wasn't blinking. I did some tests and diagnose (a skill that i don't have anymore - troubleshooting) but it still fails me. Then i decided to get a new router because the line i used to curi (from one of my generous neighbors which has no WEP) was no longer detectable.. ahh.

I got myself a nice sleek solid black linksys cisco router with built-in antenna. Since i'm not that techy anymore, i did a shortcut by asking the salesman to install the setting to my router (so i can just plug and play when i reach home) gosh, i'm a big fan of 'plug and play'.. then i took it back home and hope high as mountain and EXTRA confident i could see the google logo when i click on my mozilla browser. Bummer!!!!! same problem showed up...

I called streamyx call center and after few minutes of diagnostic and troubleshooting guided by the technical person.. hehehhehe... the password was wrong all this while!!!! i feel DUMB.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i'm looking for a new wireless router.
nak jual to me tak?

msg kat FB ;)