Monday, November 05, 2007

gloomy as i am.

gloomy, originally uploaded by marshma11ow.

where goes the sun? bring me rainbow and make me smile.


Anonymous said...

tks for visiting Manjung site ! so sorry I was late and missed yr event Sat 7 Nov.

will r=take me a while to o thru yr enchanting stories !

bola2api said...

thanks for meeting us today. we definitely missed u!

lepas kau punya show nanti, kita lepak lagi eh? kalo ada masa terluang laa...

marshmallow said...

i missed you gals too! and mmg banyaaaakkk cerita2 hangat lagi sensasi..

to you... good luck with your new scope! hahah..

thav.. congrats on both shocking news! :) wallawey.. shooting 2 birdies with one rock!

wids.. be strong.. i'll be praying for you.

mwahs gals!! nanti aku menyebok lagi!