Dear blog, its been sometime since i last written anything here.. yeah, gotta admit i was attacked by the snappy snappy bug! couldn't take my itchy hands off the camera. But i still miss writing.. i still love writing as much as i love taking photos. There are so many things in mind queing longed to be blogged out but it ended up left in my buffer leaving it expired. I lost my touch, my rythm to write my emotions out. Maybe i was too busy with my recent outa-town-meeting, but its a cliche excuse. i always make myself available when it comes to blogging before.. a colleague was wondering y i didn't blog for sometime.. i just couldn't answer her.. i've been so blur and blank these few days.. i don't know what i feel, everything seems so vague.. and i can't process my what i feel, hence i couldn't express it. Being 28 today and i still can't figure out what i feel inside..(yeah, its my birthday today) come to think of it, even a baby could express what they feel and what they want.. atleast they cry... whereelse, i am becoming so numb to even tell whats playing in my mind.. i am toally c.l.u.e.l.e.s.s
i don't expect anything for my birthday.. mom wished early morning and gave me a warm hug :).. few of online friends wished even earlier.. ex bf smsed early morning to wish..colleagues sang me a birthday song.. got a toilet role from my colleague as a prank gift! I'm sure it'd be a great lifesaver some day.. anyway, thanx friends!someone so special from america gave me a call and sang me a birthday song.. i was so overwhelmed and touched! even tho there's no cake, no balloons, no party pack, no gifts this year.. but i'm grateful and proud to be 28! Thank god i'm still able to breath, to walk, to see, to touch and to speak.. praying hard for HIS blessings thru out my whole journey!
Since i have no candle to blow this year.. let me just share with you my last 24 years' candle i've blown..
dah lusuh dah kemera tu sbb asik kena pegang jer.. hahaha!
happy burfday mate. u'r a star. dunno what i'd do without u!
thank you! thank you! anytime friend..anytime..
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