Monday, June 08, 2009

An evenin with lil lazy doped kitty!

lolly.. the only thing you know is eat, sleep, eat and sleep. She's totally doped when i shot this. No matter how i tried to turn her body around and pull her whiskers she still sleeps like no one's business! Ouh lazy cat!!


Anonymous said...

Lolly is so cute. Tini, sekarang dah jadi runner ye? Great. Lama dah tak bagi komen. Nak tanya,skrg dah jadi full time photographer ke?

The Blogwalker said...

adakah hidung di penyek..?
i mean, x mancung
harap faham lorh.

marshmallow said...

hi anonymous! (saper tu yer?)

Takdela jadi runner.. just masuk few races and run for health je.. yes, i am a fulltime photographer now..

fath.. ye diala kucing yg hidung tak mancung pipi tersorong sorong.. hehheheh... tapi sayang sangat kat dia..