If you are about to update life.. its gonna be a never ending story. Especially when the internet is not helping. Streamyx line is pretty bad lately. Been singing TM a cursing song over and over again. And the worse thing is the customer service helpline never answer my call! darn! I can't check my email, can't reply my client's, can't upload any pics to my blog. Being unproductive is best to describe my mundane day.
Phew, have not been writing for decades besides uploading client's works and portfolios to my work blog. I miss those 'i have zits and it effect my mood' or 'i saw a gay holding hands in a mall' kinda blog... you can say, a no biggy tales to shout about. Oh erm, writing needs a quality moment between your body, brain and emotion. And that is a lot for me to dedicate now. I miss those moment where i can sit half a day on my chair in front of my mac blogging about life. Its not that i don't have anything to write, but i reckon the more things happening in your life, the lesser time you have to blog about it.
I am pretty much occupying my time with activities that benefits me more in terms of my body and health department. And in order to do that, it takes a lot of sacrifice, time management and not forgetting letting go some things i loved doing.. like blog for no reasons.. and eat like no ones business. Well, ok i still eat and its still the best thing to do but i choose what i eat. Remember, you are what you eat!
I always hated running. But now, i can say running is addictive and it can become an obsession. I don't want it to reach to that extent. I don't have anyone to prove but i love how my body reacts to running. I have only one goal.. to live healthy. Running turns you into a positive mind. I still do my yoga at home and swim once in a while.. and i'd love to climb back. Next thing to do.. is to recce for a kick boxing class! Gosh i have lots of things in mind which i'd love to do.. but i only have 24hours a day and 7 days a week and i still hardly have time to clip my nails!
i'm off for a run peeps! if we happen to rub shoulders at tasik subang near sjmc, do HI me!